An educator who was born and raised in the North of England, though I'm often found elsewhere having worked in the UK, El Salvador, Mexico, Myanmar, Spain, Greece, and the US

A PhD graduate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (US), I've taught classes on human rights education, refugee education, and school & society. My doctoral research used participatory and visual methods to think about community-based language education for adults seeking sanctuary in the North of England. I'm interested in pedagogies of care, solidarity, and critical cosmopolitanism - as well as how humour can be a useful tool in both teaching and research methods.

I am currently a Research Fellow at the University of Leeds (UK) conducting evaluation in education and politics.

When not doing something education-related, you'll find me being creative or trying to befriend passing animals. I enjoy painting, photography, and creative writing, and my non-academic writing has been published in numerous outlets including The Times Educational Supplement.