Academic publications
Shepherd, A. (2024) Solidarity in a Hostile Environment: Possibilities in Community-Based ESOL for Adults Seeking Sanctuary in England. University of Wisconsin-Madison [doctoral dissertation]. ProQuest.
Shepherd, A. (2024) Media reporting of people seeking asylum during the pandemic: A postcolonial analysis. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 0(0).
Shepherd, A. (2019) Integrating Lesson Study in Myanmar Teacher Training. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies. Available at:
Shepherd, A. (2015) Government versus Teachers: The Challenges of Educational Progress in Oaxaca, Mexico. Current Issues in Comparative Education, 17(1), 27-35. Available at:
Shepherd, A. (2014) Quality Formal Schooling in Marginalised Regions: Embedding Social Justice in Education. Politics and International Studies Journal, 12, Winter. Available at:
Practitioner publications
Shepherd, A. (forthcoming) Rose & Thorn: A warmer. In: Thornbury, S. [ed] Dogme in Practice. iTDi Press.
Shepherd, A. (2024) Laughter is the best medicine: Humour & a pedagogy of care. Modern English Teacher. July.
Shepherd, A. (2021) Online learning for non-native English speakers: a hindrance or a help? Modern English Teacher. Vol 29.
Shepherd, A. (2021) Using language outside of the classroom as a refugee English language learner. Language Issues. 31(2). Winter.
Shepherd, A. (2020) Non-formal language education: Teacher training in a refugee community in Greece, Language Issues. 31(1). Summer.
Shepherd, A. (2019) Supporting Refugee Teachers: Lessons from Greece. Modern English Teacher. April. Vol 27.5
Shepherd, A. (2018) Students’ Dream School: Ideas from the experts. Modern English Teacher. October. Vol 27.4
Shepherd, A. (2018) Case study: Using Lesson Study to improve teacher training practice in Myanmar. Modern English Teacher. July. Vol 27.3
Public writing
Shepherd, A. (2024) Participatory ESOL for adults seeking sancutary in England. Morgridge Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison [blog].
Shepherd, A. (2021) We need to talk about forced migration, Cap Times [online]. 11 July. Available at: Ally Shepherd: We need to talk about forced migration | Column |
Book Reviews
Shepherd, A. (2022) A Book Review - Border Thinking: Latinx youth decolonizing citizenship, Educational Action Research. Available at: